
Surfing Equipment – Everything You Need Here!

Are you attracted by the idea of sliding on the waves, but you are worried about the cost of the surfing equipment, do not limit yourself for this, because surfing is a relatively cheap sport and once you acquire all the equipment you will only...

The best surfers in the world

Some surfers have devoted their entire lives to this sport and have barely managed to reach a considerable position in terms of competition, whereas a few of them manage to be among the best surfers in the world. In each generation, there is a professional...

The Most Common Surfing Injuries and How to Prevent Them

When you compare surfing with other sports where the activity is carried out body to body you may think that it is much safer, however, as in any physical activity it is possible that you may suffer some kind of accident or injury and generate...

Surfboard Types – Which Board to Choose?

One of the most emotional moments when you start surfing is the choice of the board, because it will be something that determines how you will move over the waves. Now, in the market you have a lot of types of surfboards from which you...

Know the Benefits of Surfing

Surfing is an exciting activity because just seeing how the surfers glide over the waves awakens in you the desire to be there and be one of them… Don’t stay behind and learn it this 2020. Besides, surfing is one of the water sports that...

Learning to Surf at 40 Does age matter for surfing?

The time comes to blow out the candles and you realize you’re turning 40, so you start thinking about your favorite couch in front of the TV as the best option because you’re not so young anymore. At this point I suggest you put away...

Learning to Surf in 2021 – A Complete Guide to Getting Started

If you decide to start or are curious about learning water sports, we recommend you learn to surf during this 2021. Surfing can be very fun and very exciting… just imagine lying on the board waiting for the wave to come in, even more so...