The Best Surfing Phrases of All Time

Surfing has gradually carved out a unique place in the world, with more than 30 million surfers, it is today a culture and way of life.

It has a language of its own, a discipline established to travel in search of the best waves in the world, a greeting whose origins date back more than 500 years and many other features that truly make surfing a unique and special way of life.

That’s why we recommend before you go in and read the following article that we published some time ago, where we explain which is the perfect place to find that true concept and lifestyle of surfing.

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Surfing also offers us its own philosophy and this gives us a great deal of words and phrases that often call us to think and reflect on life and all that it can teach us.

Inspiring and Exciting Surfing Phrases

  • The renowned Duke Kahanamoku “Big Kahuna” commented, “Out of the water, I am nothing” and “Don’t worry, there are millions of waves out there.Take your time and your wave will come”. He was considered the creator of modern surfing, he was better in the water than on land; he was a true Hawaiian surfer.
    Duke Kahanamoku 1

    Photograph of Duke Kahanamoku, posing and holding his surfboard.

  • For his part, Gerry López said that “surfing is dancing with the waves”.
  • Laird Hamilton said “Surfing is one of the few sports where you have to look ahead to see what’s behind”.
  • Paul Strauch said “Surfing is a lot like making love, it always makes you feel good, no matter how many times you’ve done it”.
  • Tom Blake said, “Surfing guides you through life, especially when you are young and have hope in your heart”.Tom Blake 1

    Photograph of Tom Blake taking a wave on the beach in Malibu.

  • From Sharif Ahnor is the phrase, “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”.
  • While Mike Doyle gave us this one: “Live to surf, surf to live”.
  • Jack O’Neill commented, “I’m just a surfer who wanted to create something that would allow me to surf longer”.
  • “Surfing for me is like playing music. You play different tunes with different instruments”, is a phrase spoken by Skip Frye.Skip Frye 1

    Photograph of Skip Frye surfing off the coast of France.

  • “Surfing is for life”, comment made by Bruce Jenkins.
  • “Surfing is almost a way to fly”, is a phrase said by Jeff Hakman.
  • Buzzy Trent expressed, “Waves are not measured in feet and inches, they are measured in increments of fear”.
  • And meanwhile Shaun Tomson said, “To be spat out of one of those giant, roaring Hawaiian tubes is the most incredible feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life. It’s joy, fear and achievement, all in one experience”.
  • Andry Irons, “If you try to change my surfing, it’s the worst thing you can do. Everyone surfs in their own way”.
  • Bethany Hamilton, a survivor of a shark bite while surfing, said, “Courage doesn’t mean you’re not afraid, courage means you don’t let fear stop you”.Bethany Hamilton 1

    Photograph of Bethany Hamilton taking a wave on the beach in Bali, Indonesia.

    From Surfcanarias we hope that all these phrases can serve as inspiration in your day to day, since that has always been our true mission. Remember that happiness is the greatest of virtues, so feeling good about yourself is the main objective to continue surfing in this “wave” called life, so if you feel as we do that surfing is a help to achieve this primary objective, our surf school lanzarote could be your guide to achieve it since we perform this task since 1996 in the Canary Islands. Below you can see a table with some of our services offered, we are waiting for you!.

[symple_tabgroup][symple_tab title=”Surf Camping”] Surf camps famara: from 140 euros/person. From 3 to 14 nights accommodation
[/symple_tab][symple_tab title=”Surf Camps”] Surf camp lanzarote “Beginner”: from 215 euros/person. From 3 to 14 nights accommodation
[/symple_tab][symple_tab title=”Surf School”] Lanzarote surf school: from 35 euros/person. From 3 to 14 nights accommodation
[/symple_tab][symple_tab title=”Surf Lessons”] Lanzarote surfing course “Private lessons”: from 80 euros/person. From 3 to 14 nights accommodation [/symple_tab][/symple_tabgroup]