How to Spoon, Duck or Duck Dive in the Surf

Surfing is a sport that is gaining more and more fans and practitioners; we can say that every day and all over the world there are more surfers and surfers, because both terms are used in this adventure sport and a lot of adrenaline.

Surfing has special characteristics that make this discipline a kind of cult because of the processes followed and practiced by those who are dedicated to this sport.

Among other things in surfing there is a language and specific terms to designate some techniques that are performed to live the adventure that means riding waves to the fullest.

This time, we are going to stop at one of the techniques used in surfing with a quite funny or nice name, it is Spoon, Duck or Duck Dive.

If you practice surfing, are a follower of the sport or simply pass by and are curious, keep reading the article to discover what the technique of Spoon, Duck or Duck Dive in Surfing is all about.

We must say initially, that this technique has a high degree of difficulty to learn and master it, both in terms of practice and technical level; even more so if the person who decides to practice it is starting his experience and transit in surfing.

What is the Spoon, Duck or Duck Dive?

This specialty is a technique to ride, ride and overcome the waves, a clear example of surfing; it is characteristic of it.

It is about getting in with the board under the wave or the foam formed on it; the objective of this action is to overcome it successfully, reaching the point where the wave breaks, without being dragged by it towards the shore.

This practice requires a special skill, so now we are going to know the stages in which it is divided or that make up the realization of the technique of Duck, Spoon or Duck Dive.

It is necessary to learn, among other things, how to perform the movements of the body in the water, so that you can dive deeply with the board all that is adequate and necessary and not be dragged in the process.

From our surf school Playa Famara we can offer you the best offers from all the Canary Islands where you can experience the best sensations that this sport has to offer:

Phases of the Spoon Technique

Approach paddling

When visualizing the wave or the foam that is approaching, the paddling should be accelerated while taking a deep breath to capture as much air as possible to stop paddling when we are located about two meters from the foam.

The most frequent failures in this action are:

  • Stopping the paddling too close to the foam or the wave.
  • Not doing the last strokes quickly enough.


To perform this procedure, certain specific instructions must be followed:

  • When the distance to the wave is more or less two meters, the board must be taken from its sides and placed at chest level.
  • Next, you extend your arms, changing the weight of your body, bringing your shoulders forward, in relation to the support of your hands on the tip of the board.
  • Then you should put your knee or foot on the tail of the table, while the other leg is in charge of executing a small upward kick, sinking the tip of the table with an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

What Can Go Wrong at the Entrance?

  • The body may fall behind the tip of the board or the shoulders may fall behind the hands on the board.
    Failure to kick at the proper time.
  • Making mistakes when sinking the board at the wrong angle will make the board too horizontal or too vertical and the landing will not be successful.


This phase consists of pushing with the foot or knee, using the arms as an aid, to get as low as possible, with the body completely attached to the board, taking care to wait a few moments while the turbulence caused by the wave passes.

Errors in this Phase

  • Not extending your arms enough to help you dive the board more easily.
  • Not sticking your body properly to the board to help you sink deep enough.


When the board is stable and the turbulence has continued, the process continues by applying pressure to the tail of the board, with the foot or knee, and the board is positioned in an upward direction, avoiding the opposite direction forces that the wave can carry.

You will be back on the surface, arriving with speed, helped by the buoyancy the board gives, the special suit used and the turbulence in the form of a circle that encourages the wave when it passes over you.

This point marks the beginning of the process again.

The probable faults are:

  • Surfing too soon, when the turbulence is not over; it is advisable to open your eyes to be aware of this incidence and not to expose yourself unnecessarily, waiting for them to pass by so you can get out comfortably.

Recommendations for Spoon, Duck or Dive

To achieve optimal results in the realization of the Duck, we will leave you some additional suggestions or recommendations.

  • The first thing is to visualize correctly the movement that you should execute; it is important to read several times the steps to perform the technique, so you get familiar with it before putting it into practice. You can imagine the movements to perform.
  • You can practice phase two or entry, out of the water, on the sand of the beach; this way you will be able to correct mistakes and do it correctly.
  • A good option is to do a series of swims in a pool and touch the bottom several times.
  • Another exercise or recommended practice is to catch waves from the shore, without using the board, in a practice similar to that of the lifeguards or lifeguard; this way you can know and establish the entry and exit times.
  • Using a small board or bodyboard, you can try the practice of Duck in a pool or in some area of the sea without waves, although you will not have the suction that gives the foam when you are in the water with waves.
  • Patience is key to obtain the desired results when practicing the Spoon, Duck or Dive; it is also important to practice the technique several times to correct mistakes until you achieve optimization and excellent results.

Finally, we can tell you that if you are a surfer who wants to venture with the Duck, take it easy and insist on practicing a lot, through the famara surfing classes taught in our school you will be able to practice and develop these techniques in an optimal way until you achieve the goal; this way you will be able to be praised and gain a lot of admiration and satisfaction at a personal and social level.